Great White Whale Center
The Oever is the happiness of the River
Most of the time we have a brother killing rules,
but without banks a river becomes a swamp,
without rules, traffic becomes a mess,
without laws, case law becomes arbitrary.
Limits give a limitation, but it is precisely that limitation that provides clarity, support and even protection.
That also applies to the inner limits that you draw yourself,
for example, by practicing self-control.
This self-control can help you resist the capriciousness of your emotions.
So that you are the master of your emotions, instead of the other way around.
Self-discipline gives you the shores that you need on the spiritual path.
Text: Thomas d'Ansembourg
Operation of the center
All the activities of our agenda take place in:
Great White Whale Center
Jozef Reusenslei 182
2150 Borsbeek.
We have a number of guidelines, which contribute to mutual respect.
We ask you to take this into account.
- The center is at the back of the parking lot.
- Shoes are not allowed in the building !!! Only house slippers or socks. When you enter the building, we ask you to take off your shoes in the corridor.
- In the hallway are there shoe cupboards please place shoes in it.
- There is a cloakroom 3rd door on the right in the corridor.
- We ask the gentlemen to use the toilet while sitting. It is very important for your health,
and for hygienic reasons.
- When workshops take place in the two halls, we ask for them in the corridors
and toilets to be quiet, out of respect for other fellow students.
- Eating and drinking in the building is only permitted in the Cosmic Womb below.
ONLY Plastic bottle with WATER and screw cap is allowed in the room.
NO cups or glasses and this to protect the parquet.
- There are cushions and blankets to use, we may ask after use
fold it up nicely and put it back in the cupboard. (See pictures)
- The parking is private, can only be used for loading and unloading.
Unload the car and immediately move the car, there is ample parking in the surrounding streets.
We look forward to meeting you in our center!
Thanks in advance for your cooperation,
Walter and Nadine